Thursday, December 11, 2008

Last Post

Decent. That's the kind of writer I am. Not excellent, but not piss poor. Reflective writing is probably my strength. A notable flaw that my writing contains, but can be useful at times, is that there is the potential for myself to be overly descriptive and wordy. This can be seen here when I did a content and form writing for the Paramore - Pressure music video. Work-shopping, or peer reviewing, is really useful to writing. To me it is valuable for me to get outside input and possible ideas that I may have not have even thought about. Another viewpoint, especially when trying to decifer visual rhetoric, helps me to come up with other ideas to write about. While writing about the rhetoric of Picasso's Guernica it did not even occur to me at first to try to incorporate the ideas of cubism into my writing until after I had met with you (J.Ware) for the first draft. Discussing my ideas with others also helps me to figure out how to implement them into my writing. I find that personally it can be hard for me to start writing. But once I get an idea to write about the writing often comes fast and I end up going over the required word count. I think "good writing" really depends on what you are writing for. If you are writing for a scientific project or assignment you would probably not want to use witty comments and would probably more want to keep the excess to a minimum. However I do think that a good piece of writing should keep the interest of the reader. If the writing is dull and uninteresting to a potential reader than no one will want to read it and thus the ideas of the writer will not be conveyed and it will be in my opinion a poor piece of writing.

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