At the very beginning of the video is a short clip taken from a speech by the current leader of Co$, David Miscavige. He states, "Because if world leaders learned anything through the social aftershocks since 9/11 is that they do not necessarily posses the tools to lead. And thats where determined individual Scientologists come into the picture." It is interesting to note that the video was posted September 11, 2008 on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Following this clip that has been remixed is a catchy upbeat song set to sole shadowy figure cloaked in a Guy Fawkes mask. Many of you will have seen the Guy Fawkes mask from the semi-recent movie V for Vendetta in which a man, V, wearing the mask intends to carry out the Gunpowder Plot. The Gunpower Plot was an actual historical event in which the royal family was to be assinated by blowing up Parliament. Guy Fawkes is generally given credit for leading the escapade but he was actually in charge of the explosives. So why wear the masks? Obviously it's to hide their identities. Speaking out against the Co$ can be quite dangerous as they believe that if you are not one of them you are fair game to be destroyed (Fair game policy). The Co$ is a fraud intended to brainwash people and steal their money.
Anonymous has been linked to several seditious attacks against the Co$ and people in general. Just recently Oprah was the butt of one of their pranks. But their message has caught on and several large scale news agencies are working as well to discredit the Co$. If you don't believe the Co$ is evil then go out there and discover the abundance of information linking them to their lies and crimes. Or you can just watch the "Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard" and see how bat shit crazy their chief liar was.